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The Power Of Community 社区的力量 & The Greening of Cuba

The Power Of Community:

Cubans share how they transitioned from a highly mechanized, industrial agricultural system to one using organic methods of farming and local, urban gardens after they lost global support in the early 1990's.

It is an unusual look into the Cuban culture during this economic crisis, which they call "The Special Period."

Cuba, the only country that has faced such a crisis – the massive reduction of fossil fuels – is an example of options and hope.


The Greening Of Cuba:

When trade relations with the socialist bloc collapsed in 1990, Cuba lost 80 percent of its pesticide and fertilizer imports and half its petroleum--the mainstays of its highly industrialized agriculture. Challenged with growing food for 11 million in the face of the continuing US embargo, Cuba embarked on the largest conversion to organic farming ever attempted.

Told in the voices of the women and men--the campesino, researchers, and organic gardeners--who are leading the organic agriculture movement, The Greening of Cuba reminds us that developed and developing nations alike can choose a healthier environment and still feed their people.

8th August, 7pm-9:30pm

*scape Youth Centre (opp cineleisure)

Discussion facilitator: Mr Tay Lai Hock

limited seating capacity, email ARTivate@dramabox.org now to secure seats!


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august movie screening

ARTivate presents: August Movie Screening
first docu-film: Winged Migration
(Academy nomination for Best Documentary)

Date / Time: 1st Aug / 7pm - 9:30pm

Venue: *scape (Lab)

Facilitator: Mr. Danny Yeo 杨君伟 & Myra Loke (ARTivator)

Limited seats available, Book now at admin.ARTivate@gmail.com


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'What Matters?' 备忘录

艺树人(ARTivate) 的‘WHAT MATTERS?' 计划在约一个礼拜前刚刚圆满落幕。


五月到七月,艺树人举办了两个座谈会,一个电影播映节目兼分享会,还有最后压轴的学生论坛剧场演出。整个‘WHAT MATTERS?’ 计划讨论和关心的是和种族社群有关系的课题。两个月下来,我一边在进行统筹的工作,一边参加这些活动,获益不浅。


‘WHAT MATTERS?’ 的第一个节目请来了 Dr Lai Ah Eng 和 Mr Farid来为我们讲解在学校与现代社会里的种族歧视和刻板化 (stereotypes) 的情况以及所牵涉到的一些问题。Dr Lai 以非常简单而有效的方式来讲解在学校里的种族问题。原来不只是学生,连老师和校长也会歧视某些种族的人或是对某些种族的人存有刻板印象。一位学校的校长竟然以‘不够马来人’为由而不成立足球队,听了令人惊讶。一般人这么想也就算了,博学多闻的人也这么说,我不能接受。况且,身为管理学校的校长以种族肤色来做某些决定,可能会影响到学生,实在不能鼓励。Mr Farid和我们进行游戏,从中和大家一起分析,讨论和了解一些大家对某些族群拥有的刻板印象和它们的真实性或准确性。游戏让大家打起精神来,也让我们认识了一些不同族群或文化的朋友。

一个礼拜后,我们播映了电影‘To Kill a Mockingbird’。这部影片取自于 Harper Lee 所写的同名小说,讲述的是美国三十年代的一位白人律师辩护一个被指控强奸的黑人。小说广受好评和大众的喜爱,还赢得美国文学界的最高荣誉‘Putlizer Prize’。电影也拍的很好,赢得了几项美国奥斯卡电影大奖。


六月份,很荣幸请到一位波斯尼亚籍的导演 Mr Haris Pasovic 和他的演员来讲解波斯尼亚人(Bosnians)和塞尔维亚人(Serbs) 的纷争。Mr Pasovic 和他的众多演员是应新加坡艺术节的邀请而来新加坡演出一部名为‘CLASS ENEMY’ 的舞台剧。大家都说非常好看,只可惜没能买到票。


战争是可怕的。它对人们所造成的影响是没有办法估计与衡量的。其中一个波斯尼亚演员说了一句令我印象深刻的话。‘For me, the war is not over.' 战争已经平息多年了,到现在还是无法忘怀,可见阴影有多么大。


最后一项节目就是在滨海艺术中心做论坛剧场的演出。演出有六场,我看了两场完整的。在看演出的当儿,Hui Ling 提到了一个很重要的问题,一时间让我茅塞顿开。到底我们是要‘忍受’(tolerate)其他族群的人还是要‘接受’(accept) 他们?我想大家都应该好好的想想,我们日常生活中对其他的社群到底抱有什么样的态度。到底是‘忍受’还是‘忍受’?哪一种做法才能比较容易和不同语言和文化的人生活在同一个空间里头?





'As the project leader, how much you can do is really secondary. To get people to do things, to get people to do things on time and to get things done the way you need it to be done, THAT MATTERS!'


这次做起事来是蛮轻松又顺意的。这都要归功于‘What Matters?’ 背后的一群能人在帮忙。




Kian Tong  

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Theatre of the Oppressed

As Forum Theatre is 1 of the main basis of our works here in ARTivate, I would like to share with you more info about Theatre of the Oppressed, the umbrella in which Forum Theatre is under.


Quoting Boal from the site:

Theatre of the Oppressed was born in 1971, in Brazil, under the very young form of Newspaper Theatre , with the specific goal of dealing with local problems – soon, it was used all over the country. Forum Theatre came into being in Peru, in 1973, as part of a Literacy Program; we thought it would be good only for South America– now it is practiced in more than 70 countries. Growing up, TO developed Invisible Theatre in Argentina, as political activity, and Image Theatre to establish dialogue among Indigenous Nations and Spanish descendants, in Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico... Now these forms are being used in all kinds of dialogues.

In Europe, TO expanded and the Rainbow of Desire came into being – first to understand psychological problems, later even to create characters in any play. Back in Brazil, the Legislative Theatre was born to help the Desire of the population to become Law – which it did at last 13 times. Right now, the Subjunctive Theatre is coming slowly into being.

We discovered that all those forms, independently where they had been created, could be developed and used all around the world, because they are simply a Human Language.

TO was used by peasants and workers; later, by teachers and students; now, also by artists, social workers, psychotherapists, NGOs... At first, in small, almost clandestine places. Now in the streets, schools, churches, trade-unions, regular theatres, prisons...

Theatre of the Oppressed is the Game of Dialogue: we play and learn together. All kinds of Games must have Discipline - clear rules that we must follow. At the same time, Games have absolute need of creativity and Freedom. TO is the perfect synthesis between the antithetic Discipline and Freedom. Without Discipline, there is no Social Life; without Freedom, there is no Life.

The Discipline of our Game is our belief that we that we must re-establish the right of everyone to exist in dignity. We believe that all of us are more, and much better, than what we think we are. We believe in solidarity.

Our Freedom is to invent ways to help to humanize Humanity, freely invading all fields of human activities: social, pedagogical, political, artistic... Theatre is a Language and so it can be used to speak about all human concerns, not to be limited to theatre itself.

We believe in Peace, not in Passivity!

Above all, we believe that the Theatre of the Oppressed is of, about, by and for the Oppressed, as it is clear in our Declaration of Principles. If you agree with this, we certainly agree with you.

Augusto Boal, Rio de Janeiro 2004

Please visit the site to read up more about Forum Theatre and Theatre of the Oppressed.


艺树人 ARTivate  

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What Matters Theme Song

finally learnt how to upload a song onto blogger! so tho What Matters has ended, here's the theme song.

Guo Quan, our ARTivator who's in-charge of Sponsorship, composed What Matters' Theme Song

Into Their World
Song & Lyrics by Guo Quan

Sticks and stones may break our bones
But words break our soul
Loneliness is hard to bear
Admist a crowd of men
Why we hurt each other so?
Are we that great?
Maybe we all forgot
How to love another man
We're so different in many ways
Yet the same blood flows within us
Take a little time and sit with them

Go into their world, go into their world
You will see, we're not so different after all
We all cry, we all laugh, we all ('re the same)
The colours of the rainbow
The coat of many colours
The flowers in the field
They're beautiful
We're beautiful if we stand together

Into Their World V2 - Guo Quan

Take a listen :)

艺树人 ARTivate  

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剧本导读系列之一 《漂移》

忙完了 What Matters?, 立刻跳进艺树人的‘种植’工作;剧本导读系列 。



在分配角色方面,《漂移》选择让四位演员分饰剧中的几个人物 —— 杜文德、杜昌明和王先生都是由周野芒演出;梁茵玲、倩倩和芸芸都是由秦旋饰演;Victor和 Gerald由林继修饰演;杜慧瑛、女人和林愫芬则由郭沛珊演出。同时,演员们也扮演着“漫游者”的角色,在特定的时候脱离所饰演的人物,转为“叙述”故事和人物心声的“漫游者”。

剧中存在着两个世界 —— 漫游者的世界以及现实世界。安排演员分饰剧中人物和“漫游者”的角色划分了这两个世界,同时也将这两个世界之间的界线模糊了。演员们在穿梭于“漫游者”和人物之间的肢体动作表现得干净利落,很明显地让观众看出他们什么时候是在扮演“漫游者”,什么时候是在扮演人物。这使两个世界有了明确的划分。然而,人物和“漫游者”都是同一个演员扮演,似乎又是隐喻生活中的我们经常在这两个世界中漂移,一下子投入我们的生活、一下子却跳脱自身来“看”自己,来为自己的行为作解释、跟自己对话。


选择让周野芒饰演杜文德、杜昌明和王先生这三个角色,我认为是因为这三人之间的关系以及他们各自所散发的“Chinese-ness”的不同。杜文德是杜昌明的儿子,而王先生是杜文德的妻子的第二任丈夫。三个人所包含的“Chinese-ness”都不同 ——杜文德的“Chinese-ness”体现于他对“家”和“承诺”的坚守。他感觉上虽然对茵玲有好感,但是仍然不让自己“出轨”,即便他的妻子已经40年没有音讯。因此,他才会对Victor说出“我累了,我懂得回家。”这句话。此外,他对于与妻子愫芬的约定也铭记在心。杜昌明的“Chinese-ness”是表现在他听从父亲的意思,和自己毫无感情的女人结了婚。因此他的“Chinese-ness”体现于他对于婚姻是“父母之命,媒妁之言”的信念。王先生则将他的“Chinese-ness”体现在他对愫芬的敬爱,并且非常保护愫芬的贞节,一再向慧瑛解释,希望她不会误解愫芬。他对于男女关系的保守展现了他的“Chinese-ness”。让同一个演员来扮演这三个拥有不同“Chinese-ness”的角色,很明显地对比出三人的不同。因为是同一个演员在演,所以观众更容易从他的肢体、语气、表情等,看出他三个演出中的不同,从而也看出三个人物的分别,甚至是三个人物的一些共同之处。


在《漂移》中也出现一个似有似无的人物 —— 景观人。剧本上说“景观人仿佛就是失去灵魂的人物躯体”。其实, 我认为这个景观人可以有各种象征性。他/她可以说是整个戏的“中心点”。我认为在观众入席时,他/她站在悬在半空中的平台上就已经为这个戏营造了“漂移”的感觉。感觉上,他/她就像杜文德说的“面无表情”、“就像是半空中看这座城市”。在戏里,所有的演员都绕着他/她,他/她却不受其影响,默默地参与了整出戏。其实,我还在思考并想办法参透这个人物的意义,因此也许没有办法说得很详尽。





艺树人 ARTivate  

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Born Into Brothels

这是昨晚在 Arts Central 看了一部非常好的纪录片。
也是 ARTivate 还是在 Youth Incubator 时代,我们一行人想在上映时去看的一部戏。

Born into Brothels, by Ross Kauffman and Zana Briski, is the winner of the 77th annual Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. A tribute to the resiliency of childhood and the restorative power of art, Born into Brothels is a portrait of several unforgettable children who live in the red light district of Calcutta, where their mothers work as prostitutes. Zana Briski, a New York-based photographer, gives each of the children a camera and teaches them to look at the world with new eyes.


艺树人 ARTivate  

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Solar Taxi

For the first time in history, a solar-powered car is driving around
the world without any carbon emissions. Swiss adventurer Louis Palmer
is taking a small blue environmentally-friendly taxi around the world.
The solar-electric two-seat taxi with attached trailer is an attempt to
call attention to global warming while providing solutions for oil

With a full component of batteries, the Solar Taxi has an autonomy of
almost 200 miles. With additional energy from the solar cells on a
sunny day, it can travel almost 260 miles. The vehicle has a top speed
of 60 miles an hour and needs no gasoline at all.

By the time the Solar Taxi travels the Earth, it will have been to 40
different countries upon five continents, including the United States.

Read more about this project at http://www.solartaxi.com/mission/.

艺树人 ARTivate  

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Recently, in the process of seeking inspiration for a script which I am working on, my mind constantly reflected on several issues and questions. I am curious about people's opinions, hence I leave a question on this blog entry:

Is society responsible for changing or "modernising" the human mindset? Or was the human mindset the deciding factor which drove us to change the society to one which suits our wants?


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